3. First-order system with proportional control

Consider the simple feedback loop shown below

Simple feedback loop

with \(G_c=K_c\) and \(G_p=\frac{1}{\tau s + 1}\)

%matplotlib inline
import sympy
G_c = K_C = sympy.Symbol('K_C', positive=True)
s = sympy.Symbol('s')
tau = sympy.Symbol('tau', positive=True)
G_p = 1/(tau*s + 1)
$$\frac{1}{s \tau + 1}$$
G_OL = G_p*G_c
from tbcontrol.loops import feedback

The target is to get \(y_{SP} = y\)

G_CL = feedback(G_OL, 1).cancel()
$$\frac{K_{C}}{K_{C} + s \tau + 1}$$
t = sympy.Symbol('t', positive=True)
general_timeresponse = sympy.inverse_laplace_transform(sympy.simplify(G_CL/s), s, t)
$$\frac{K_{C} \left(e^{\frac{t \left(K_{C} + 1\right)}{\tau}} - 1\right) e^{- \frac{t \left(K_{C} + 1\right)}{\tau}}}{K_{C} + 1}$$
import numpy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
y_func = sympy.lambdify((K_C, tau, t), general_timeresponse, 'numpy')
smootht = numpy.linspace(0, 5)
def response(K_C=10, tau=10):
    y = y_func(K_C, tau, smootht)
    e = 1 - y
    fig, [ax_y, ax_e] = plt.subplots(2, 1)
    ax_y.plot(smootht, y)
    ax_y.set_ylabel('Setpoint and y')

    ax_e.plot(smootht, e)
from ipywidgets import interact
interact(response, K_C=(0, 100), tau=(0, 20))
<function __main__.response(K_C=10, tau=10)>

3.1. Offset as function of gain

r = 1/s
y = r*G_CL
e = r - y

Use the final value statement to obtain eventual offset:

steady_offset = sympy.limit(s*e, s, 0)
$$\frac{1}{K_{C} + 1}$$

Note the steady state offset is not a function of the system dynamics (time constant).

sympy.plot(steady_offset, (K_C, 0, 60))
<sympy.plotting.plot.Plot at 0x1141865f8>

3.2. Second order system with proportional control

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
zeta = sympy.Symbol('zeta')
G = 1/(tau**2*s**2 + 2*tau*zeta*s + 1)
$$\frac{1}{s^{2} \tau^{2} + 2 s \tau \zeta + 1}$$
G_CL = feedback(G*K_C, 1).cancel()
$$\frac{K_{C}}{K_{C} + s^{2} \tau^{2} + 2 s \tau \zeta + 1}$$
def response(new_K_C, new_tau, new_zeta):
    real_CL = G_CL.subs({K_C: new_K_C, tau: new_tau, zeta: new_zeta})
    timeresponse = sympy.inverse_laplace_transform(sympy.simplify(real_CL/s), s, t)
    sympy.plot(timeresponse, 1, (t, 0, 100))
    poles = sympy.solve(sympy.denom(sympy.simplify(real_CL)), s)
    plt.plot([sympy.re(p) for p in poles], [sympy.im(p) for p in poles], 'x', markersize=10)
    plt.axhline(0, color='black')
    plt.axvline(0, color='black')
    plt.axis([-1, 1, -1, 1])
interact(response, new_K_C=(0., 100), new_tau=(0, 10.), new_zeta=(0, 2.));
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